journey into health, well-being, and the art of yoga
yes, this journey will get you a 200-hour certificate and so much more...
yoga & mindfulness training for those who wish to learn in-depth understanding and won't settle for less.
Online and/or
We don't like to call our training 200-Hours because we offer so much more than most Yoga Alliance Schools. Our curriculum goes above and beyond what most competitors require and cover. We believe that to understand, live and teach yoga; you need more than just script memorization.
Spira's training is based on Mindfulness education; you will become:
more resilient to adversity
more present to joy
more efficient at work.
Mindfulness teaches us to engage with our friends and family and work in a more productive and emotionally rewarding way.
This training is registered with Yoga Alliance.
why learn with us
Yoga is not just a workout. Yoga is a philosophy and a meditative art. Therefore, we should first focus on living our yoga, then if we feel the call to teach, step into teaching. A well-rounded teacher training should be about enabling students to think, research, and understand how to live and teach yoga.
Spira DOES NOT believe in teaching script memorization and set-sequences. A teacher should understand technique and methodology and construct his or her classes in a way that is safe and creative in mind and body and appropriate for the students who are in class. A well-rounded teacher has a strong grip on anatomy, mindfulness meditation, philosophy, history, and an everlasting passion for connecting with people and learning.
Quality and Credentials
program cost
The journey starts Oct 10, 2025
$600 non-refundable deposit to secure your space (100% of the deposit is applied toward your tuition)
$3,600 (full cost, including deposit)
Final payments are due at the start of instruction. Spira tries to accommodate students who need a longer time to pay off tuition. Email Dora for a payment plan.
For the last fourteen years, this training has sold out! Make sure to pre-register. This is a unique teaching curriculum that you will not find in other studios.
renew your self
gain resilience
find clarity
become a better version of yourself
become a teacher
9-month program
This is an extended course over a year, meeting for one weekend per month. A total of 14 hours/module of class time, plus individual reading and practice on your own time.
Yes, a year seems like a long time, but it is precisely because of its length that it is so ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL BUSY ADULTS. Meetings are only for 14-17 hours a month. In between, take your time reading amazing books and practice yoga as it fits your schedule.
Take it as online distance learning or in-studio in Issaquah
Family and Work-Friendly Schedule for Weekend Modules:
Fridays, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm - via Zoom
Saturdays, 11:30 am – 4:00 pm - In Studio or Zoom
Sundays, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm - In Studio or Zoom
Friday nights will always be via Zoom. And Saturdays and Sundays will be in our Issaquah studio.
Zoom is provided on weekends per request as needed by students for health or travel reasons.
October 2025 - June 2026 school year dates are the following:
October 10-12
November 7-9
December 5-7
January 9-11
February 6-8
March 13-15
April 10-12
May 1-3
May 22-24
June 5-7 -Graduation
The 40 Days of Introspection Workshop is part of Teacher Training! We will offer these lectures online to facilitate attendance.
The 40 Days workshop will be:
Every Thursday for 2 hours via Zoom
From 2026 January 15th-February 26th, 5:30-8 pm
(Recording will be available if you miss the lecture)
You will have reading and homework assignments between our meetings.
Who should take this training?
Wonderful Self-Enrichment for those who DO NOT want to teach.
In-depth, outstanding curriculum for those who WANT TO teach.
This training is perfect for the practitioner who wishes to deepen their yoga practice, deepen their knowledge about mindfulness, meditation, history, philosophy, anatomy, and self-awareness.
Spira does have a lot of practice teaching during teacher training, but practice teaching can teach you about self-awareness, so you will find it useful whether you are taking the course for self-enrichment or as teacher training. We also have a lot of lectures and book discussions.
Spira’s Teacher Training structure is perfect for the working adult with a family since the meeting times allow you to work around your busy schedule. There is no need to put your life on hold. Meetings are Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday once, once a month for 9 months.
Attendance requirements
Our training exceeds 200 hours to allow people a bit of flexibility. Our curriculum is nine months long; it is not realistic to demand perfect attendance since occasional flu or family situations do not discriminate between regular time and yoga teacher training time. You can miss three days or a one-weekend block and still have enough hours for the certificate.
We always send out review notes and homework assignments via email. Dora is also available for a quick catch-up with a cup of tea.
What will you learn during Spira’s teacher training?
You will learn the art of mindful self-awareness, meditation, the history of yoga, and how to be well-rounded in classical yogic texts. You will dive into anatomy, nutrition, and self-care including making time for your practice. We will discuss students’ different learning styles, different teaching styles, hands-on assisting, the business of yoga, and more. You will study sequencing and the safe and healthy choreography of asanas. You will learn the art of mediation, its historical roots, and how it developed into a modern mindfulness practice. Your trainers will artfully overlay ancient yoga teachings and embed them into modern science.
We want to make sure that you will feel comfortable teaching at any level; from total beginners starting yoga later in life to advance yogis and flexible gymnasts in their twenties.
At Spira, we teach from a deep understanding of anatomy. We keep our classes very much rooted in Western traditions utilizing mindfulness techniques. You will learn how to teach yoga without preaching a particular spirituality.
Completing Teacher Training at Spira will allow you to inspire people from gyms to yoga festivals. The training is also open to folks who simply wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of yoga and gain a better understanding of their own practice.
Yoga poses
Indian history, religion and literature
Public speaking
Mindfulness and self awareness practices
Resiliency, stress reduction
Holistic approaches to interpersonal relations
Body and energy languaging
Yoga sequencing
Different yoga styles
8 limbs of yoga and life
still have questions?
Benefits of our unique extended schedule
This is an extended course over 9 months meeting for one weekend per month. Besides being family and working adult-friendly, this structure also allows you to read more books, learn more interesting data from all the traditions (modern science and traditional yoga), and truly dwell in the teaching of yoga art and the yoga lifestyle. It also provides enough time to practice teaching yoga so that you feel more ready to jump in and actually teach a class by the time of graduation.
your teachers
Spira offers a deep curriculum that goes beyond what is required by Yoga Alliance. Your experienced teachers include:
Dora Gyarmati – Lead Teacher ERYT – creator of Spira methodology. Dora has 14 years of teaching experience and keeps her knowledge fresh by taking philosophy, history, and anatomy courses at universities.
Elena Soles, PT, DPT, CAFS– Anatomy lectures
Brenda Schornak -RYT – Assisting teacher throughout the 200 hour lecture
Dora will be present throughout all the hours. She is the lead teacher, lecturer and the creator of the curriculum. She will help you through the practice teaching exercises. She believes in upholding the highest standards for quality of education but she also wishes to provide a loving family environment. She will be there for you if you need help throughout the year. She also has her two dogs with her at all times, Panni (a standard poodle) and Albert (a maltipu) is ever present in the studio during the trainings. Students often find their presence calming and centering.
required reading
The following reading list, which is subject to change, will be part of the program. No need to buy or borrow these books before our first meeting:
The Key Poses of Yoga – Ray Long MD FRCSC
The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar
Chakras and their Archetypes - Ambika Wauters
Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt
Teaching Yoga – by Mark Stephens
Awareness– The Perils and Opportunities of Reality by Anthony de Mello
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
A Liberated Mind by Steven C Hayes PhD
Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga – Ray Long MD FRCSC – optional during 200 hours