How to beat election stress and bring change to our media and politics
Book Recommendations and October Book Club
Success through connection, healing the fabric of our society
Mukha-mukhi with Dora
New Podcast with Dora
HOW You START Matters –In 2024, Don’t Repeat the Original Sin – Oh no, Dora just got Biblical!
A low sugar high protein cake that kids will love
Life enriching summer reads
Panni crossed the rainbow bridge
New Year, New Goals or are you just Envious?
Reads for the Holidays-why we need to read from all Religions regardless of faith tradition
Workplace Burnout, Boundaries, and the movie Pretty woman
Resist Reductionism - Hold Space for complexity
Our Brains have been highjacked - book recommendations for better brains
Closing West Seattle-how did we get here?
Change is Inevitable, but Unchecked Change becomes Destructive to Economy and Mental Health
Is Yoga Dead? The corporate takeover of a wisdom tradition and decline of our mental health.
IBS awareness, diet, and your health, and a little bit of politics
chatting with Chuck
Spira Talk-Radio Podcast
We are a Globally Certified Meditation and Yoga School
Be my Valentine – no, not the Cupid kind!
Responsible Reopening
Window to a different world
A book and a film to make a hero out of you
Give Greenlights a green light
We all need a little philosophy...
Breath is something you gotta read- and do...
Today you are creating the future - will you like it?
5 min a day challenge – win amazing prizes
no more spira app on apple
Apple to take 30% cut from struggling businesses during pandemic
Lessons from Facing Adversity
must read and never forget
I feel your pain - let's talk
Book Recommendation - The Fungi will save humanity
Covid- the big picture- asking the right questions
COVID is dangerous, but what about our reactions? Censorship, Constitutional Rights and Fear
We will be back to normal hugging and loving, while at it here are 5 ways to stay healthy
Get Inspired, fitness and nutrition for life
Toilet paper as essential? – did you just make that sh…up?
Social Distancing is not the only thing keeping us apart
Coronavirus/ Proactive safety
When Roses are not enough, the Truth will set you Free
Finding beauty during tough times
Music in Yoga class - Effective tool or noisy distraction?
Three difficult, but worthwhile ways to bring back the holiday spirit while sustaining your sanity
Burnout -Measuring ourselves to death…
Book recommendation - we all need to cultivate more moral values to find joy in life
What do Happiness, Etiquette, and Mindfulness have in common?